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Bernard Becker Medical Library
Online Exhibits
Out of Scope: Unexpected Titles in the Rare Book Collections
About the Exhibit
Natural Philosophy
Operum Aristotelis Stagiritae
C. Plinii Secundi historiae mundi libri XXXVII
Dialogus de systemate mundi
Coelestis physiognomoniae libri sex
Metallotheca Vaticana
The Arts
Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni in X. libros digesta
Teutsche Academie zweyter Theil
Groot schilderboek
Round the red lamp : being facts and fancies of the medical life.
The pleasures of imagination : a poem in three books
Religion and Spirituality
De profanis et sacris veteribus ritibus
Evangelische- unnd christenlichen Predigē
The Mysteries and secrets of magic
Propheceien und Weissagungen
Pia desideria emblematis elegiis at affectibus SS. Patrum illunstrata
Law and History
Theatrum virorum eruditione clarorum
Imperatorum romanorum numismata ex aere, mediae et minimae formae
Notariat unnd Teutsche Rhetoric
Promptuarii iconum insignorum
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Part of
The Mysteries and secrets of magic
Bernard Becker Medical Library Online Exhibits